Claudia Ciapocha Photography

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Maroochydore Music & Visual Arts Festival 2017

On August 26th my best girl Sophie and myself woke up bright and early to prepare ourselves for Maroochydore Music & Visual Arts Festival! 

We hit the road early on to make our trip up to the Sunshine Coast. As we arrived, we soon got lost attempting to figure out where to park. It took us a bit of time, and a mass amount of confusing with a ‘strictly no parking’ sign where we were in fact meant to park, before we made it in to the festival. 

As we raced in as fast as a person with numerous cameras can race, we caught the end of Skeggs performing on this warm Spring day to a already large crowd. You couldn’t fault the day at all - warm with a hint of a breeze, bright blue skies, and at the end of the festival a gorgeous orange sunset to dance along with. It was a perfect day to relax and listen to dreamy live music.

Soph and myself did a number of laps around the festival taking in just how large it was. There were individual sections for art exhibits, artists painting, bars, food trucks, and of course the curious visual arts scattered around the festival. We watched people play pool, filled our bellies with beer and nachos, and enjoyed some of Australia's best artists playing (and one international artist). 

As the festival came to it’s second last artist, Soph and I left. I had to get back to Brisbane to go to another photo job, and Sophie had to DJ later that night. We had a great trip back home listening to 80’s Spotify playlists then both headed to work.

If you’re interested in checking out the entire album of my shots, click here.


All photos taken with a Canon 5Dmiii & Fujifilm X-Pro2.